Secrets Behind Fair Trade

Fair Trade at Trader Joes

Research shows there are more than 1.66 million farmers and workers in fair trade certified organizations. About 23% of them are women. Together they help to produce high demand commodities like coffee, sugar, fruits and vegetables. Regardless of whether the market is ready for change, fair trade has impacted the way Americans shop. Grocery stores like Trader Joe’s are encouraging customers to choose organic and fair trade options one step at a time. 

How Does Fair Trade Impact Farmers And Workers?

Fair trade is designed to protect and support “farmers, workers and their communities.” It ensures that farmers are compensated fairly, and farming conditions remain safe. In the U.S, the Fair Trade seal is black, green and white, and the small sticker can be found on many products. Although it’s effective, the sticker cannot guarantee that the system is always fair. As a shopper, you can end up spending more money on fair trade coffee than coffee that doesn’t carry the seal. Unfortunately the coffee industry has struggled the most, with very few changes in farmer growth. Fair Trade USA has not been able to show the long-term positive impact, as the number of coffee buyers is limited. As a result, farmers can wind up selling a lower-quality coffee beans for the higher fair-trade price. Not all fair trade organizations exploit workers, but it is important to keep in mind when you’re shopping for fair trade items.

Fair Trade Goods Are Stocked And Ready To Buy 

There is a lot of good that comes from stores that supply fair trade products. As of 2017, the U.S. is the, “third largest market for fair trade goods.” When stores supply fair trade, they are recognizing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and the mission of Fair Trade USA. Men, women, young children and communities in need are able to benefit financially as well. Although profits are a small part, it is one way to help the next time you take a trip to the grocery store. Outside of fresh produce, common fair trade items include coffee, sugar, tea and chocolate. If you have a craving a sweet snack, Sunflower Seed Butter Cups with fair trade dark chocolate is one of the many treats sold in supermarkets. Trader Joe’s, for example, is a big contributor to fair trade, with over 30 choices of coffee to choose from. They sell their own fair trade organic Columbian coffee cups and an assortment of flavors, from fair trade organic Guatemalan to organic fair trade French roast. 

While the future of fair trade is uncertain, there is still a high demand across grocery stores and markets. As it expands worldwide, it can become challenging to monitor all the conditions and regulations that take place in a community. When stores like Trader Joe’s take part in selling fair trade products, they are supporting the betterment of individuals across more than 70 countries.