How Trader Joes Can Help You Look Good and Feel Good

Look Good Feel Good: Tips for Healthy Living and Weight Loss

Half of all Americans are looking for ways to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, cites a study reported by Common Health. This is not surprising for with summer in full swing, we all are craving to look and feel our best. Starting a healthy lifestyle begins with the foods you purchase, and grocers like Trader Joe’s are home to plentiful foods to fuel a healthy lifestyle. Implementing a healthy diet is simple with mindful choices at the store, a clear dietary plan, and a balanced lifestyle.

Finding the Best Diet for You

Ditch the calculated and annoying calorie counting and point system for weight loss. Counting calories doesn’t insure that you are getting all your food groups in and living healthy. In fact, weight loss begins with choosing an eating lifestyle full of nutritious and vitamin rich foods, argues Dr. Frank Lipman. Let’s say you’re not ready or knowledgeable about how to intuitively choose food. In that case it may be in your best interest to follow a guideline diet like the Keto or Atkins diets, for example. These diets have an easy to follow list of foods and cut out refined sugars and processed foods while encouraging followers to pump up their protein to life their best healthy life.

Start Strong with Breakfast

We’ve all heard the time-honored saying: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s easy to start off with a nutritious start to your day ahead with versatile and delicious foods that promote weight loss. If you’re on the go, opt for Trader Joe’s Organic Cold Pressed Green Juice Beverage which is rich in antioxidants and leafy greens. Mix in some frozen berries from TJ’s, blend it, and off you go. Start your morning with a serving of fruits and vegetables not only gets in core food groups, but also fills your body with vital nutrients.  These nutrients can help keep your heart healthy, lose weight, and help prevent diseases down the road, like diabetes and heart disease.

Staying Healthy Throughout Your Day

So we’ve started with a healthy breakfast but how do we maintain healthy choices throughout our day? Stack your pantry and fridge with products that promote healthy living, especially if you’re a snacker. Trader Joe’s Tortilla Chips with Brussel Sprout Seasoning, California roasted almonds (rich in healthy omega-3’s), or even Banana Chips you can have on hand for easy, healthy snacks Having these healthy snacks on hand can help lead to weight loss when compared to snacking on potato chips or candies. For dinner, implement some protein with your meats, like steak or turkey burgers, and pair with green vegetables like asparagus.

The first step to shred those unwanted summer pounds begins with a healthy lifestyle. Starting a healthy diet is easy with a little focus and a well-planned grocery list.