Sir Strawberry Juice
This juice is so tasty! Not overly sweet and a new flavor — I’m never had strawberry juice before. Yummy!
This juice is so tasty! Not overly sweet and a new flavor — I’m never had strawberry juice before. Yummy!
Its wonderful. Quick & easy. I just pour it on cutlets, chops and simmer in fry pan or cook in stove. It has plenty of mushrooms and marsala flavor. With many other brands that I have tried, I always had to ADD ingredents to ake it more flavorable, but never with …
Sells for $4.99 for just under a pound. It’s not too sweet, but is rather sticky. On the whole I liked it, but some pieces were tastier than others. I’d give it a 7/10. It’s something different and makes a nice after dinner treat.
YUMMY, and you thought you’d never eat hummus? HUH UH this hummus is nice’n smooth, creamy Bean and Garlic dip you’ll just love this I promise excellent on tortilla chips or anything else you like to dip.
Trader Joes has a herb pizza dough which is the best dough I have ever had for homemade pizza.
As good as it sounds! It’s very decadent and you can really taste the macadamia flavor. It’s kinda runny, but we don’t put it on bread anyway. We eat it on french toast, waffles or little spoonfuls right out of the jar.
I am a ginger lover and these candies are pretty good because they are gingery but sweet. Someone from a mother’s group had commented on eating them when they were pregnant to ease nausea. Ginger is supposed to help. The only thing I really don’t like about them is that they …
This licorice has a strong, but not overpowering licorice flavor without the sugary sweetness of other licorice candies. It’s fat free, soft and chewy but doesn’t stick to your teeth. A 7oz box is $1.99.
This is a good drink in and of itself, but we buy it to make Dark & Stormies (see recipe.) It’s 25% fruit juice and has 26 grams fresh ginger (bottle says “STRONGER GINGER BITE” ha ha.) They have info and recipes on their website:
I guess this is a Caribbean drink, but we first tasted it in Bermuda, where it is very popular. It calls for ginger beer, which we get at Trader Joe’s (see the full listing in the goodies section.) The recipes is: 1 part rum (dark or spice works best) 2 parts …