Pilsner Urquell

pilsner-urquell-beer.gifElegance. Class. Timeless quality. I’m not talking about diamonds. I’m talking about Pilsner Urquell. This Czech beer has christened many a summer weekend. Its golden hue, refreshing flavor and crisp feel have kept this beer on the market for centuries. Pilsner Urquell was first brewed centuries ago—and little has changed. It’s perfect flavor and classic pilsner qualities make it a perennial favorite around the world. The Czechs definitely got this recipe right the first time around.

A classic pilsner, this well aged lager-style brew has the rare characteristic that all beers strive for—universal appeal. Having a barbecue? Pilsner washes down brats and burgers like it was designed for the task. Entertaining Parisians for a new gallery opening? Nothing says class like Urquell.

Best served in tall pilsner glasses, this effervescent beer is as beautiful as it is delicious. Like all good beers, a perfect combination of top grade malt and high quality hops blend together to make a succinct and memorable beer. Pilsner Urquell just does it better than the rest. Centuries of brewing has made them masters of the craft—long may they reign!

Jake Kulju is a freelance writer, and food & wine reviewer. Visit his web site, www.jakekulju.com.