Trader Joe’s Fuyo Persimmon

Trader Joe’s fuyu persimmons once more demonstrates that the cooks at that company know a thing or two about elegantly, juicy, sweet, and finely textured fruits. Ripe to perfection and ready to do a conga line on your tongue. Imagine if a mango, a peach, and a plum had a baby — and then the obstetrician dipped that kid in a vat of honey. 

Originally cultivated in Japan – fuyu is Japanese for Persimmon — the wild and unique tasting fruits now flourish around the world. They are soft, velvety and sexy — once you take a bit you’ll fall head-over-heels in love with them. 

A rich flavor explosion with every bite. Sweet, elegant and exotic — move over mango, out of the way plums, see you later peaches — there’s a new trendsetter in town.