Trader Joe’s Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

This Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese pasta is blended with three different cheeses and a classic béchamel sauce. With the perfect amount of butternut squash pureé and a sprinkling of seasonal spices like nutmeg and sage, you will not regret adding this comfort food to your Christmas dinner menu.

Mac & Cheese, the breakfast, lunch, supper, and midnight snack of champions — for that matter, the all around 24/7 bite size treat we all wish we had on reserve inside the fridge. There’s nothing better than Mac & Cheese. Well, that’s what we thought, until Trader Joe’s added a bit of magic into that age old recipe with their mouth watering Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese.

Give that childhood favorite a new spin with this taste bomb of a recipe. This mac & cheese treat is bound to become a staple on your dinner table.