From the Fearless Flyer: “Multigrain Croissants Ready to Bake! Bold statement: Trader Joe’s Multigrain Croissants represent a giant leap forward for humanity. Psuedo-retraction: Well, we can’t prove that these flaky pastries will improve everyone’s lives, but they’ve certainly improved ours. Why the fuss? We’ve cracked the code and figured out the secret to baking fresh croissants, from frozen, and getting these rich, buttery, flaky treats as a result. That’s right, from frozen. You simply remove the pastry from the box, preheat the oven, and by the time the oven is hot, the Croissants are ready to bake. Twenty minutes later, your house is imbued with the aroma of a boulangerie and you’re ready to enjoy the fruits of your labor – opening and closing the oven can be so arduous. Trader Joe’s Multigrain Croissants are studded with sesame seeds, flaxseeds and sesame seeds that impart a subtle, nutty flavor to the buttery, flaky crescents. Enjoy them warm, straight from the oven, or allow them to cool and use them to make a memorable sandwich. We’re selling each 11.2 ounce box of four Croissants for the excellent everyday price of $2.99. You’ll find them in our freezers.”