Gotta try it — This is from the Trader Joe’s website: “6-pack • $2.99! This is not a sale price, or a promotional price, or a “special” price, or anything else that would signify that it was anything other than our everyday price. Yes, we’re selling a six-pack of good, enjoyable lager for a mere $2.99, plus deposit where applicable (we have to say that). True to the lager tradition, Name Tag Lager is light-bodied and full-flavored. Unlike some other inexpensive lagers, Name Tag, brewed for us in Wisconsin, is an all-malt beer, with no rice, no corn – no fillers of any kind. We were so impressed by the value of this beer (value = quality + price) that we put our name on it. Well, we put our name tag on it, anyway. Keep a six-pack of Name Tag in the fridge for those hotter-than-Hades days, when the only thing that will bring refreshment is an icy cold beer with your name on it. We’re selling each six-pack of 12 ounce cans for $2.99*, every day, plus deposit where applicable. *Name Tag Lager is $3.49 in Georgia & $3.99 in New York and New Mexico. Alcohol availability & price may vary due to state laws, taxes, shipment fees & other such stuff. (If we could, we would…)”