Oh happy day!! I have always been upset that Trader Joe’s is selling Morningstar Farms in the freezer case with its artificial flavors and other “unapproved” ingredients (GMO soybeans). Knowing Trader Joe’s has an ingredient policy that I can trust, I was happy to discover the newest product, Veggie Sausage Patties in the freezer section. Priced at just $3.29 for an 8-ounce box of Trader Joe’s Veggie Sausage Pattie, its packaging & servings are identical to Morningstar Farms Breakfast Sausage (interesting) except that it is about $1.70 less than Morningstar Farms ($4.99 at my local store). Just like the Meatless Corndogs, this is a huge savings for my family budget. Of course, Trader Joe’s has a clean label; the sausage tastes great and just importantly, it is a product I can be proud to serve my family. In fact, some family members cannot tell the difference from whole pork sausage patties. The flavor is just one benefit; this product has only 70-calories/serving but contains 6-grams of protein (WOW!) And for those that are salt-sensitive, it has only 200mg of sodium (this made my dad’s dietitian very happy as he is controlling his diet now). This has natural flavors (from vegetable sources – I checked) that taste just like your favorite sausage patties. Thank you Trader Joe’s for converting this delicious product to private label! Add this to my list of reasons I love this store.