Well… this is a mixed review. The photo on the package looked DELICIOUS and my daughter loves chunks of beef and pasta so I get it so we could try it and see. I open it up and put it on a plate and as has been my experience with the Trader Joe’s “quick meals” I must just manhandle them too much from the store to home then to the plate because they never, ever, ever look like the photo. So here I am staring at what is honestly, hated to say it but it’s true, a pile of huge wide noodles with some sort of grayish sauce. Ummm… hate to be Clara Peller but WHERE’S THE BEEF!! I offer some to my kid — she didn’t want to have anything to do with it. First of all, the mushrooms scared her off. Also, the lack of the promised plentiful beef chunks. Anyway, still looks pretty good to me so I take a bite. Wait a minute. What’s that taste? Wine. Definitely wine. Delicious wine! Smooth beautiful noodles. Chunks of fresh mushrooms. Light creamy taste. I check the package. Yup — Burgundy Wine. What!?!! YIKES! Now I wish I hadn’t looked at the package ’cause I see the fat content (you don’t want to know). I savor most of the rest and threw out the last little bit to feel like at least I didn’t eat the whole, 2 serving (who are we kidding, Joe!?) package. Ok, so maybe you need to know — the 15.5 oz package is 760 calories and 32 grams of fat. More than a Big Mac. Final Review: DEEE–licious!!! Worth it? Almost…just too close to swimsuit season for me. Sorry Joe.