This stuff is the nectar of the gods. I have to remind myself that its not sugar free and I shouldn’t drink it so much. I’d describe the taste in two ways: 1) like a cross between Sunkist orange soda and the pink grapefruit soda that they sell in the 4 pack of smaller bottles or 2) someone melted orange Lifesavers and carbonated the result As if that’s not good enough, the color of it is just gorgeous. In any case, since I discovered this, I’ve been question to see if I could find something even better. Whole Foods blood orange is pretty similar, but more expensive. Gelson’s sells a brand called Galvania which is a fair bit sweeter than TJ’s or Whole Foods, almost too sweet. I’ve also found a few french incarnations of blood orange soda but they are all heavily flavored with lemon which ruins it, IMHO. So far, for me, TJ’s is the best of the bunch.