Munching on these right now… Just ate 4 in one sitting. Not good. Oh, actually, very very good! Cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflowers seeds, sesame seeds in a sort of sweet “brittle”. Not sure why the brittle is sitting on a mixture, but hey, I guess keeps it neater on the way to its … um… destination. Oh, and here’s the product description from Trader Joe’s: “We’re a little nutty when it comes to snack food. And our new Seriously Seedy & Nutty Wafers are a testament to this very nuttiness. The base of each cracker is a crispy, white, round wafer. It’s then topped with a lightly sweet, savory mixture of cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds – like a crunchy peanut brittle but with cashews and a mélange of seeds. Could it get any better? Well, it is low sodium. And a 4.8 oz. package is just $1.79. Oh yeah, we’re nutty about good value, too. Seriously.” From Facebook Page: Joan Bentley Had them this weekend, they are delicious. Donna Houle Bought them, ate them, they are delish! Jennifer Afan Mabbayad saw those yesterday and had to get them! So yummy!!!! Going to get more today….love you Trader Joe’s~ Amanda Clark Reed Got these the other day. They are heaven with a cup of tea. Christine Werlein Langlands THEY ARE AWESOME! I swear they put crack in those things!