Scrumptious Shrimp Pasta Primavera

1/2 bag of medium cooked frozen shrimp 1 box tomato sauce starter 1 bag pasta penne arribiata 1 thinly sliced green pepper 1 thinly sliced zuchinni or summer squash 1 clove garlic 1 handful of fresh basil 2 tbsp olive oil Rinse shrimp with water, set aside. put olive oil in pan with crushed garlic and squash qnd green pepper, stir fry for 3-4 minutes, put frozen arribiata pasta on top and pour box of tomato starter over top, put basil and shrimp on top of whole thing and put cover on. Set on medium-low heat for 7-8 mins, stir and let cook few more minutes. Serve with rolls.