Dogfish Head Lawnmower

dogfish_beer_bottles_in_tub.jpgI’m not sure a beer has ever been more appropriately named than Dogfish Head’s Lawnmower. It is exactly what you would expect: a light, crisp, refreshing beer that goes down smooth and is perfect, and I mean perfect, for gulping after mowing the lawn on a hot summer afternoon. The Lawnmower isn’t what you would expect from other Dogfish Head brews—this beer keeps a low profile. It’s medium body, light carbonation and straw-yellow color are straightforward. It tastes just the way it looks. And that’s OK when you want something cold and crisp.

My favorite characteristic of the Lawnmower is its smell. Some light fruit comes through, but a primarily grassy aroma reaches the nose. Imagine kicking back in a lawn chair with fresh mowed grass at your feet and a chilled, golden, grassy beer in your hands. Summer at its finest!

You’ll be able to taste some green in the finish, as well. The Lawnmower’s light body and crisp finish dominate the mouthfeel, but some of the grass aroma translates to flavor, giving it a little more character than your average light beer. When the sun is out and the sweat is beading on your forehead, grab a sixer of these and take it all in.

Jake Kulju is a freelance writer, and food & wine reviewer. Visit his web site,