Flying Dog Pale Ale

flyingdog_sm.jpgStrong, confident and full of attitude, Flying Dog Classic Pale Ale is definitely the alpha male of American-style pale ales. Its brilliant amber color and dry hopped flavor have made it a two-time award-winning craft beer at the Great American Beer Festival.

I prefer to release this beast from the bottle and drink it out of a pint glass. The aeration gives the beer a nice two-finger head and releases that aromatic Cascade hops aroma. This also allows you to see the bright tawny copper color of the beer. I love a pint with a good head on it, and Flying Dog delivers great head retention that follows all the way down the glass as you drink.

The body of this ale is moderate, but initially feels strong due to the abundance of hops. A nice citrus overtone is accented with some sweet grain maltiness. The balance here is perfect—the pine and citrus of the hops is melted into the sweet malt at just the right moment, giving this beer the “well would ya look at that!” feel that will have you cracking open another bottle. Earthy and full, this is a strong ale made for people who love beer. A perfectly dry finish creates a distinct closing to this wildly flavorful and aromatic beer.

Its luminescent rich orange color, creamy head and solid flavor give this beer a forward personality that you’ll want at your next party.

Jake Kulju is a freelance writer, and food & wine reviewer. Visit his web site,