Rogue Dead Guy Ale

Rogue Dead Guy AleDon’t let the ghoulish label of Rogue Dead Guy Ale scare you away. This German-style Maibock is a friendly malt-heavy brew full of flavor and smooth finish. Caramel-honey colored with a tantalizing roasted aroma, Dead Guy masterfully masks its 6.6%ABV in bottles full of the luscious marriage of hops and malt. Dead Guy comes in 12oz. bottles, or that nifty 22oz. bottle that says “I really love this beer.”


In the early 1990s Dead Guy Ale was created as a private tap sticker to celebrate the Mayan Day of the Dead (November 1st, All Souls Day) for Casa U Betcha in Portland, Oregon. The Dead Guy design proved so popular with consumers and especially Grateful Dead fans, that Rogue Ales made it the label for their Maierbock ale. Even though the association with the Grateful Dead band is pure coincidence, they have gratefully dedicated Dead Guy Ale to the Rogue in each of us.

Jake Kulju is a freelance writer, and food & wine reviewer. Visit his web site,