Berry Good

berries.gifSometimes you just want something sweet and delicious. Keep it nutritious with some berry-based food from Trader Joe’s. Blueberries are powerful antioxidants, and berries in general are excellent sources of multiple vitamins and phytochemicals.

Cranberry Crisps Made From Irish Soda Bread ($2.99)

These crispy treats are full of dried cranberries and have the unique bite of Irish Soda Bread. Unthaw a package of these delights and taste the delightful bittersweet flavor that cranberries are famous for.

Strawberry Fruit Floes

These fruit juice bars are surprisingly fresh and robust tasting. An excellent balance of sweetness, the strawberry flavor really comes through, giving you a refreshing, fruity snack with no artificial flavors or preservatives.

Panacotta with Blueberries and Peach Topping

The flavor of this frozen crème brulee is held together by the luscious fruit topping. The smooth, creamy vanilla crème brulee is complemented perfectly with the sweet and creamy fruit topping.