Boont Amber Ale

boont.jpgIt can be hard to find a well balanced beer that combines dynamic color, aroma and flavor in one bottle—unless you’re looking for it at the Anderson Valley Brewing Company. Their Boont Amber Ale reveals a smooth caramel flavor in its medium bodied, rich colored brew. A classically drinkable ale, its mild amber qualities are streaked with floral aromas, orange tints, and nutty flavors. Clocking in at 5.8% alcohol by volume, you’re definitely getting your money’s worth. Seasoned beer drinkers, and novices looking to go out on a limb will both find solace in this delicious American amber ale. But don’t just take our word for it—Boont Amber Ale wone the silver medal at the 2003 Great American Beer Festival in the amber category and was named “best beer brewed in Northern California,” by the San Francisco Bay Guardian.

Jake Kulju is a freelance writer, and food & wine reviewer. Visit his web site,