I recently purchased Gluten Free Frozen Pancakes at my local Trader Joe’s. These are SO GOOD and only $2.99 for a 16-ounce box of 12. My family enjoys pancakes for breakfast and I was disappointed to learn that I am wheat gluten sensitive. To my delight (maybe after writing letters to Trader Joe’s), they introduced this new product. I like them in the microware or toaster. The cool thing is after eating the pancakes, you actually do not feel hungry 15-minutes after leaving the table. Nor do I get that “mid-morning slump” from the empty calories of regular wheat pancakes (those seem to be mostly air). My kids love them too. I added Trader Joe’s organic maple syrup. They are also good just as a quick snack without any syrup — Just toast or microwave and dash out the door. Life is good again. Oh yes, they also are dairy free. Even better!!