Sparkling Mojito Beverage

Trader Joe’s Sparkling Mojito Beverage is one of the newer beverages on the shelves. This pale liquid is very slightly green in appearance, and contains Water, Cane Juice, Lime Juice Concentrate, and Natural Flavor. It has 2% juice and has 110 calories per 8 oz serving. Unfortunately, it was a miss with me. I found the mint flavor, which makes the Mojito tie-in, to be far too medicinal. For me, this beverage is a closer cousin to mouthwash and toothpaste than to the most beloved drink of Cuba. I loves me some Mojito flavoring, and I love mint in most things, and the true litmus test of any minty flavored food or beverage is avoiding the medicinal quality. I’m afraid for me, this one missed the mark.