March 2010 Jake’s Beer of the Month from Trader Joe’s – Red Oval Classic Lager

Made by unpretentious, hardworking, blue collar Wisconsinites, Red Oval is as simple and straightforward as its appearance. At $2.99 for a six pack, Red Oval is cheap, but it isn’t your typical hobo beer. Surprisingly enticing, this light golden, prairie grass colored beer pours a billowing, frothy head straight from its widemouth can. You won’t get a lot of flavor from Red Oval, but you will get a fresh, crisp lager characteristic of most mass-produced American lagers. If you like PBR, Michelob or Miller, you’ll consider Red Oval one step better, and two steps cheaper. At about 50 cents per can at Trader Joe’s, it’s hard to beat. While it may not have been made with the finest grains, highest quality malts or freshest hops, it also doesn’t pretend to be. Red Oval Classic Lager is a basic beer for basic occasions. After you’re done cleaning the gutters this spring, sling back a few Red Ovals and you’ll see what I mean.