Gorgonzola Gnocchi with squash, mushrooms & peas.

2 bags Trader Joe’s frozen gorgonzola gnocchi 2 tbl. unsalted butter (separated) 2 tbl. vegetable oil 1 whole butternut squash, peeled, seeded & diced into 1/2 inch cubes 10 oz. pkg. Baby bella mushrooms sliced (optional) 1 cup frozen peas (thawed) Salt & pepper 2 tbl. brown sugar Fresh Basil Heat 1 tablespoon unsalted butter on medium heat and begin sautéing the raw squash (about 10 minutes), until all cubes are browned and fork-tender (but not turning into mush). Add the other tablespoon of butter and add in the sliced mushrooms until they are browned (about 5 minutes). Add Salt & pepper and 2 tbl. of brown sugar to taste. Once incorporated, move squash/mushrooms to a separate bowl and cover with foil. Add the 2 tbl. vegetable oil into the pan and cook the 2 bags of gnocchi according to the directions on the back. HIGH HEAT! Once the sauce has thickened and the gnocchi’s have plumped up, add the frozen peas and let them heat through (about 5 minutes). Then toss in the squash & mushrooms. Gently toss to incorporate everything. Top with fresh basil and voila!

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