Oven Baked Freekah with Chicken Thighs

Ingredients: 2 pkg of Trader Joe’s Greenwheat Freekah 1 pkg of boneless skinless chicken thighs 2 Romana Tomatos 1/2 cup of TJ’s melange a’ trois red , yellow and green bell pepper strips 2 small onion handful of fresh parsley 1 cup of chicken stock salt and pepper your favorite spice mix Steps: 1- cook the chicken thighs in boiling water (add the onion, salt, pepper and spices to the water to create a fragrant stock) 2- meanwhile, chop the second onion, the parsley and the tomatos and mix them with the freekah and the bell pepper strips in your oven baking pot/tray. 3- add the the cooked thighs and bury them a little. 4- pour some chicken stock (it doesn’t have to cover the mixture) 5- bake in a preheated 400 F for 40 min. or until the stock is all absorbed. A delicious and nutritious meal ! Enjoy!