Cherry Clafoutis

I was on the hunt for a new dessert. Tired of ice cream, cookies, and the effort to create everything in between, I went to Trader Joe’s in search of a treat not tried before. Weaving my way in and out of the aisles like a serpent seeking a mouse, and almost gave up. I had resigned my search and decided to settle for a cold quart of ice cream – until I happened to glance to my right. What do we have here? I spotted something I had never seen before, and (admittedly) had trouble pronouncing the word “Clafoutis” printed so delicately on the box. This was it! Trader Joe’s cherry Clafoutis had been here, hiding, awaiting my discovery. The picture of the twin tarts had me sold, and up to the register I went. I got home, and placed them in the freezer. Then, a funny thing happened. I didn’t try them that night – or even the next week. The time just didn’t seem right. I just had to have a great dinner as a precursor to my perfect dessert. As I was preparing dinner, I began thinking about those cherries enveloped just so, in the soft pockets of the clafoutis. The urge was too compelling; I opened the box, and popped them into the oven at 350°. Five minutes later, like the instructions said, I took my Clafoutis out of the oven and onto a plate, like a doctor delivering a baby. They smelled AMAZING. I would describe the aroma like a cross between French toast and cherry pie. And to my delight, that’s exactly what they tasted like! I drizzled a tiny bit of Wholesome Sweeteners Blue Agave Nectar (which is also available at Trader Joe’s) on top, and I was in heaven. Spongy like custard, and oh so moist, the cherries were perfectly tart. Imagine a pancake crossed with French toast, flan and a Danish – with cherries on top. These would have been great served with breakfast too!